Strange, Unidentified Object Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

We don’t yet know exactly what these three objects were, but nothing- nothing right now- suggests they were related to China’s spy balloon program or that there were surveillance vehicles from other any other country.

The intelligence community’s current assessment is that these three objects were most likely balloons tied to private companies, Recreation or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific research.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

Let’s for a moment assume that a Trespasser has made it to our planet, penetrating the skin of our atmosphere.

It prepares for a landing, but gravity here on this planet is way off, more than anticipated, and as such, the Trespasser braces themselves for a crash landing.

Thankfully it’s a secluded place.

The injured Trespasser somehow manages to get out of the crashed spacecraft and run to a hiding.

The crashed craft, however, is out in the open and is soon discovered by a Rancher.

The news of this so-called unidentified aircraft sends the media into a frenzy.

Locals and people from far away arrive in flocks to witness the alien craft, but it’s not there anymore.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

Over the months that follow, the government gives various excuses and reasons, trying to debunk the alien connection.

It’s just debris from a military balloon.

They say it’s just debris, and with time the news of an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashing into our planet became a story, a myth, a legend, just how they had intended it to fade away.

The government once again successfully manipulated the common man.

Does this story remind you of something?

If the Roswell incident hits you, then congratulations.

You still believe that we aren’t alone.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

You still believe that we are being manipulated and, most importantly, you still have hope that we will soon find out the truth, and sometimes it’s more than enough.

Orbit beyond the blue, the sand is beginning to blow off from the best godded secrets of the government.

People who had kept mum- all were made to keep silence- are finally coming out and talking.

The latest to join the March is Tennessee Congressman in Burchett, who disclosed that the recovered Ufo technology may be being reverse engineered right now, but we don’t understand how it functions.

In early February, for objects were shot down over North America in quick succession.

The first was identified by the Pentagon as a Chinese surveillance balloon and was shot down off the coast of South Carolina. has stated it was a civilian Airship collecting meteorological data.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

Now, in the beginning of the video, we can see Joe Biden acknowledging that the UFOs being shot down are probably civilian Airship.

That’s a complete U-turn taken from what the Us said after shooting down the Chinese balloon extractions, giving this a political angle to cover the lid on something much more bizarre.

Keep in mind that the defense department has not confirmed the nature of the remaining three objects, which were targeted by Us fighter jet missiles over Alaska, Canada and Lake Huron.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

Tim Birchett, however, said that he believed we have recovered a craft at some point and possible beings all right Story Time.

A bizarre Ufo case dubbed Brazil’s Roswell set the internet a buzzer mid-news that a video of a captured creature exists and could soon be released- the so-called virgin.

Her incident- an alleged Ufo crash, extraterrestrial encounter and subsequent military cover-up- made headlines in 1996 and sparked a media frenzy in Brazil.

Despite official government denials that anything unusual had occurred, it remains one of the country’s most famous Ufo cases, where many residents to this day insist the Brazilian military captured to alien beings and threatened locals to keep quiet.

And what makes it even more interesting is the United States actually shows up out of nowhere.

Let’s get to the bottom of this.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

In January 1996, locals in vajinha reported seeing a strange cigar-shaped object about the size of a school bus slowly fall from the sky and crash in a field.

A man who witnessed the alleged crash said that the unidentified object was floating and slowly losing altitude.

He goes on to further describe that it looked like a washing machine struggling fighting to keep its altitude.

Side of it was completely torn and it had white smoke coming out.

Within minutes, however, military trucks arrived from the nearby Essay army base, 30 kilometers from vajinha, and ordered them to leave, threatening them with their guns.

Soon after, vajinha residents were stunned as a large military presence descended on the town, cordoning off several blocks and preventing anyone from entering.

A group of girls then came forward, claiming they had stumbled across a strange creature in broad daylight at around 3: 30 pm on January 20th 1996..

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

The being, which was huddled next to a wall by a clump of weeds in a vacant grass-covered lot, was described as about for feet tall, with brown, oily skin, v-shaped feet, a large head and huge red eyes.

For its part, the Brazilian military said in 2010 that an official inquiry had concluded that the girls had actually encountered a homeless, mentally unstable man covered in mud.

However, one of the girls stressed that what they had seen was by no means a human, as she had seen the creature standing just eight feet away from her.

When I said: guys, look at that.

Then it turned around.

She said I saw the eyes and it took off running around.

Three hours after the alleged encounter, the military had arrived.

Apparently one soldier present at the site had a film camera and recorded it, and that there was for sure a video in possession of the government.

And this is where things get more interesting.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

A former Brazilian Air Force traffic controller claimed that shortly after the incident, the Us Air Force landed and announced in campanus and dispatched to helicopters to vargian ha, where they collected something and took it away.

What was collected is not known, but something was rescued, the retired officer said.

According to local military and civilian Witnesses, the bodies and crash debris were appropriated by Agents from the United States of America and after that the matter was squashed and as days passed, people got on with their lives and soon the incident was forgotten, just like Roswell and several other Ufo encounters that have now been termed as hoax.

Sure, we will consider these reports to be untrue, but when Former Defense officials say that something fishy is going on, there is no way

Something Fishy is not going on.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

Jay Stratton, one of the United States government’s highest ranking and most experienced Ufo Hunters, during his long career working with various intelligence agencies, has seen more of the Pentagon’s Hidden Ufo files than anyone.

He is the only person in the federal government to have worked directly on all three of the most recent Ufo programs, including one based in Las Vegas.

From 2008 until 2021, nearly everything related to Ufo activity came across Jay Strattone’s desk, and he was the individual who decided to abandon the acronym Ufo in favor of Uap or unidentified aerial phenomena.

One of Strattone’s projects was the creation of a comprehensive but classified briefing that included video of Uap and photos collected by the military.

Most of those images remain unreleased.

Some will leaked, including pictures of objects encountered on the East coast and buzzing Navy ships on the West Coast.

When scientists debunked them as flares, drones, birds or even spy balloons, Stratton scoffed with frustration.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

It’s frustrating because you know the rest of the story Stratton had said.

Stratton cannot reveal the details because, as per the United States, it concerns National Security and, if you think about it, this has been the case since 1947, when Kenneth Arnold saw a string of nine shiny, unidentified sources flying past Mount Rainer at a speed of 1923 kilometers per hour.

This was followed by the infamous Roswell incident, and I am not gonna Bore You by talking about it, because you already know what I know, but the reason I brought this into your notice is because an amendment tucked into this year’s 858 billion dollars National Defense authorization act, which funds the Defense Department’s annual operating budget, requires the department to review historical documents related UFOs dating back to 1945..

It is the same year that, according to One account, a large avocado shaped object struck a communication Tower in a patch of New Mexico desserts, now known as the Trinity sites, where the world’s first atomic bomb was detonated that July.

Viewers must also know that a lot of Ufo sightings have been made near nuclear facilities since the end of World War Ii.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

However, what is mind-boggling here is the timing of it all: a budget to study UFOs dating back to 1945 and then a Chinese spy balloon being shot down- impeccable.

This on top of the fact that all the budget that previously went into studying these unidentified objects didn’t bear any fruit.

Programs like Aatip or the Advanced Aerospace threat identification program shut down after spending 22 million dollars, and there have been several programs like this that hardly exposed to the public what actually is going on.

Now, to add to that the Ukraine war and a possible sino-invasion of Taiwan, the United States is yet again doing what it does the best: create Panic, divert the masses.

But there is just one small problem here: this is not 1947.

This is also not the early twenties.

We live in a day and age where information travels very fast and when you have a Us Navy fighter pilot reveal horse of Ufo sightings and blasts the government for hiding the uncomfortable truth from the public, you know something is going on.

I am talking about Lieutenant trying Graves, who revealed in 2019 that he and his fellow aviators spotted strange objects while on training missions.

Graves alleged that lawmakers and government officials are struggling to explain the origins of the strange objects.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

Graves was left stunned by how long these UFOs were able to remain in the skies, because keeping an aircraft in the air requires a significant amount of energy and, mind you, this is coming from a former Fighter Jet Pilot who is baffled by the technology of the UFOs.

Graves claimed that the orbs zipped through the skies above restricted Virginia airspace daily at tremendous speeds, and viewers of this channel know that time and again, many have tried to debunk these sightings and failed.

A Ufo splashing into the ocean and Ray merging seconds later while splitting into two.

Such a technology at this day and age?

You know the answer so.

Strange, Unidentified Object That Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

Are these Ufos- mostly Chinese and Russian- drones, balloons and other secret information taping, devise us, or is there more to this than meets the eye?

The new classified Us government report on Ufo sightings by Us troops has revealed hundreds of new cases, and one of the highlights was this, and I quote: some of these uncharacterized Uap appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities and require further analysis.

Demonstrated unusual fly characteristics or performance capabilities.

Is it just me or is the report as vague As It Gets orbit beyond the blue.

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