In the US, hounds were saved by animal welfare organizations in the amount of 4,000.

These canines are some of the nearly 500 beagles that Homeward Trails Animal Rescue collected earlier this year from an Envigo research facility in Virginia. Now Homeward…

Brave Husky Adopted Kittens He Discovered In A Box In The Forest

This brave husky found a box full of kittens while walking in the woods and decided to adopt them.

The energetic kitten Milly is helped by kind people so that she can thrive.

Caroline Grace, founder of Baby Kitten Rescue, was contacted about a kitten that had been taken to a veterinary clinic for help. The tabby cat seems to have an abnormality on one of her front paws and is in need of rescue. The person who brought her in noticed something was wrong. The vet introduced […]

Meet Bone Bone, the enormous fluffy Thai cat that is gaining popularity online.

Bone Bone is a smooth cat from Thailand, who has a cute appearance and especially led him to have a huge number of followers on social networks. If you are wondering why he became so famous, just look at him and you will understand why. Roll down and see for yourself. Have you ever seen […]

The Amazing Travels of a Cute Stray Chihuahua Puppy That Dropped from the Sky

Two Texas construction workers were working away when they heard what appeared to be a little dog sobbing. When they discovered the noise was coming from above them, they were able to locate…

It’s touching when a faithful dog locates his deceased owner’s grave.

Losing a loved one is always a heartbreaking experience, and the process of grieving can be a difficult journey for many of us. However, sometimes there are

Blossom’s beautiful grin has won her millions of fans.

Cute Foster Kitten Is Pictured Smiling In An Adorable Viral Photo. Meet Blossom, the foster kitten has become an Internet sensation after her foster mother, Lauren Boutz, 41, a New Mexico-based biochemistry student. The adorable little rescue kitten has mana.ged to melt hearts and start conversations all around the world, simply by agreeing to a […]

The chubby cat has attracted hundreds of tourists to the city by only eating and resting.

Một con mèo hoang đã góp phần phát triển ngành du lịch cho cả thành phố, câu chuyện tưởng khó tin mà lại hoàn toàn có thật.

Readers were brought to tears by an emotional behind-the-scenes look at rescuing bait dogs.

We frequently encounter bait dogs after they have been rescued or adopted. These are some of my favorite stories to tell and share. However, I believe this video is very important since it…

There are dog-related actions that are heartwarming even during the winter.

During winter months, as temperatures drop it’s important to remember that if you’re unbearably cold, so is your pet. It’s a good idea to keep your pets indoors when it gets freezing… but what…