“New creatures will appear on Earth soon, and millions of people will vanish.”

A cuɾious ԁoomsԁay “ιnsιder” ɾecently stαted tɦat ɦe wαs coпtacted ɓy α tιme tɾaveleɾ wɦo tolԁ ɦim αbout αn eпtirely пew ɓiological sρecies to ɓe ԁiscovereԁ oп Eαrth tɦis yeαr.

Both Mars and the Moon have human colonies


Uncover the Enthralling Story of the Small UFO Crash by Investigating the Mysterious


Strange, Unidentified Object Crashed On Earth Recovered By US Military!

We don’t yet know exactly what these three objects were, but nothing- nothing right now- suggests they were related to China’s spy balloon program or that there were surveillance vehicles from other any other country.

An American man was taken aback when he noticed a strange triangular object flying directly above his head

Mysterious Triangle UFO Spotted by American Man

Mysterious triangular UFO in the night sky


“Time travel is real, and we can visit other worlds,” says the Pentagon

According to documents released by the Pentagon, time travel and anti-gravity technologies may be available to humans and could help us visit other worlds. The recent declassification of 1,500 files sheds light on the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was a secret Pentagon UFO program. Its publication was made possible after a four-year…

The video depicts a time portal appearing alongside an unidentified flying object directly above the heads of millions of people (VIDEO)

The video in question is truly a sight to behold, as it captures what appears to be a portal opening up in the sky right next to a mysterious, unidentified

Incredible footage of Fox chasing an alien through the streets


The discovery of a ‘Space Capsule’ stabbed in the forest raises questions about alien technology

Ƭhe ρictures ρurρort to ԁepict αn oɓject ʋaguely ɾeminiscent of α sρace cαpsule lαrger tɦan αn αdult.